musings and photography from a travel junkie

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Nassau, Bahamas and a Wrecked Propeller

After 5 days of boating around the islands, we finally made it to Nassau . We were going into port to drop off one of the guests of the boss-man and on the way into the harbor, hit a submerged rock. We hit it pretty hard and it certainly scared the heck out of me with the loud THUD and grating noise. One propeller no longer worked and as I ran around like an idiot, looking for any sign of water leaking in, the owner hobbled the yacht into port. Everyone is OK, but the port side propeller is bent up pretty bad along with the propeller shaft. In fact, it is so badly bent that in order to make the repair, the boat must be lifted out of the water. The catch is that there is no place in Nassau that has a lift big enough, so tomorrow we're leaving for an island called Spanish Wells, near Eluthera Island, in order to get the boat repaired. We'll be able to make it to Spanish Wells OK, it will just take a little longer than it normally would.

I’m excited to have the opportunity to visit another island and go into port. My favorite thing about traveling has always been meeting new people and experiencing a different culture...whereas all the boss-man likes to do is fish. Yawnsville.

Bahamians are very friendly and smile alot. I like it here in Nassau. And the water! I can't even describe the amazing shades of blue! In 10 feet of water over a sandy bottom, the color is the lightest shade of turquoise you've ever seen...and you can make out exactly what is lying on the bottom, crystal clear. Naturally, I've been looking for dubloons...Nassau having been a hub of pirate activity in the distant past. I'd settle with a cutlass or broad sword though.


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